Boy Scout Boundary Waters Canoe Trips have been a specialty of North Country Canoe Outfitters for over 30 years. A High Adventure canoe trip is a challenging outdoor experience. Hundreds of Boy Scouts and Venture Crewmembers enjoy unique border lake country experience in northern Minnesota. We design each Boy Scout High Adventure experience individually to you canoe trip expectations. We want to ensure your group is able to accomplish all of their intended goals. Our trip durations begin five days for those with limited time, and extend up to twelve to fourteen day expeditions. Longer trips are the best way to explore areas of the Boundary Waters Wilderness seldom seen by most canoe country travelers, by getting deeper into the Boundary Waters interior.
For nearly a century Boy Scouts have been venturing into the Boundary Waters and Quetico wilderness areas. here is the perfect place for the words Be Prepared be put into action. The Boundary Waters is what Boy Scout High Adventure is all about. Months of planning, and years of preparation are now rewarded with a Boundary Waters canoeing adventure. Subsequently, your Bo Scouts have the rare opportunity to experience camping and outdoor life just as it was experienced by the early native Americans and the Voyageurs. The outdoor skills that a Boy Scout Boundary Waters trip can put to the test can prove to be a have mastery of the Scouting program. Here it is real; not just a troop meeting exercise.
A day in a Boy Scout Boundary Waters Trip
A typical Boy Scout Boundary Waters canoe trip usually includes daily travel of six to ten milesdepending on the groups abilities, interests and canoe route chosen. As an example, an eight day trip might include four days of travel with four days used to fish and explore neighboring lakes.
Picture a day in the Boundary Waters: waking up to a loon’s call; eating a breakfast of fresh-picked blueberries covering your pancakes; as you paddle you will be spotting mink and beavers in their home environment; on a portaging to the next lake, you may see footprints of a moose or wolf; smallmouth bass and walleye will teat your fishing skills; and while sitting around the camp watching the sun set over the far side of the lake you will recount the adventures of the day and plan for tomorrow.
About the Boundary Waters / Quetico Wilderness
The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) has changed little since the glaciers melted. In 1978 the area was set aside to preserve its natural form. As a result, over 1,500 miles of canoe trails, nearly 2,200 campsites, and well over 1,000 lakes and streams are waiting for your Boy Scout High Adventure trip.
The Boundary Waters encompasses the northern third of the Superior National Forest, north of Lake Superior. It extends for 150 miles along the US/Canadian border. Most importantly, this area preserves its primitive character. It allows visitors to paddle, portage, and camp in the spirit of the Jacques d’Noyon who, at age 19, was the first European to canoe through this wilderness.
Covering over 1.1 million acres is the Canadian half of our international wilderness area. Though identified for its unique character in 1913, it was not, however, a provincial park. Subsequently, logging, mining, commercial fishing, and trapping still continued into the 1960s.
To sum it up

as our campfire fades away
A Boy Scout Boundary Waters canoe trip offers troop members more wilderness camping (3 million acres) than any other High Adventure area in the country. The routes leading from our lakeside base are so remote that nesting bald eagles abound, the portages between our lakes are moose trails, and your Scouts are just visitors. Early Native Americans paddled these same lakes. Consequently, your crew has the opportunity to still see the ancient Indian pictographs on the sheer rock faces. This is also the land where the French-Canadian voyageurs traded beaver pelts with the Sioux and the Chippewa Peoples, treking with their canoes heavily laden with furs and trade goods.
North Country Canoe Outfitters is here to facilitate your Boy Scout Boundary Waters High Adventure experience. While adhering to all US and Canadian governmental rules and guidelines, and our own safety practices too, we give you, the unit leadership, as much flexibility as possible.
- You determine your starting dates.
- You determine how many days are right for your group and your travel plans.
- You determine what your group’s interests are:
50-miles, fishing, advancement, etc. - You determine what requirements you want your participants to have:
age, health, Scouting skill levels, and social maturity.
We don’t put up roadblocks or limitations. It’s YOUR trip; we want to do it YOUR way.
Explore our total website. Request our Leader’s Guide.